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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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1 Comments Add a new comment

dieand 3 2012.03.3
I am an owner of a fairly sccsesuful niche membership site (you guest posted on it just a couple of months ago) and I have gone about everything pretty much backwards. I started knowing exactly what I wanted to do create a kick *** members only platform for real estate agents to become more professional and make more money. Since I've started I've learned an immense amount about membership sites, how they work, and most of the pros and cons.I think you have to decide what medium the stuff you're selling be it knowledge, a product, a course, or something else is most conducive to. Mine was a no-brainer as I market to a very specific group of people but I am creating content that I plan to repackage and resell as products in the future. There's nothing wrong with getting paid twice for the same work right?Anyway, great article, as usual. I'd love to return the favor and do a great guest post for you some time.