Wood Pellet Stove | Fuel | Installation - Wood Pellet Stoves Stockport UK

Stockport based Wood Pellet Stoves UK provide stoves, Fuel and Installation of renewable Energy pellet stoves which help to save our environment
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Updated: 22 Mar 2011
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1 Comments Add a new comment

Elis 2 2012.03.3
Hey! Good info,Im now going into a pellet mill sbniseus and i think the delivery part can be improved,suchas maybe have the delivery people stack the bags were you need them it`s not every body that can haul all those bags,or install a hopper that is directaly fed.into the stove,Im not sure but we need to get better.I live in the country were we do not have acsess to gas so i heat with wood,and let me tell you it is a lot of work.