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Updated: 30 Apr 2011
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4 Comments Add a new comment

Simon 1 2016.09.23
See a new law made by the BBC and it's government allies to demand all pay a license for live programs on any device that shows live TV or recoreded from the I player website. I do not watch or download any TV programs. Mind control watching people act out ordianary but over fabricated lives on a screen. News is also designed to say what the powers that be want said. I do am not interesting in paying for a service I never use, in fact not one TV program. I can purchase a DVD if I wish of say a movie but's that. Get in your heads people are getting bored of the puppet shows and have stopped watching TV altogether.
scumwatchuk  2014.02.25
What rights do a private company have to come to your home, insist they be allowed in to inspect your personal property,use your electricity to do so then *** off for two years before coming back again to harrass you all over again? Name one other company in the world that has these kinds of rights and who think they can can continue to do so? Dont pay the licence fee, dump the tv and tell the bbc to go screw itself in the butt with a tv antenna. Scum.
coppin 1 2014.01.1
I have tried numerous times to pay for my license online , but all i keep getting is (an error has occurred ) I never had any problems when it was posted to me !
Miss M FALEYE  2013.10.18
Tv licence number 3503133971 address--108 DAWES HOUSE, ORB SREET. LONDON. SE17 1ES I PAID FOR MY LICENCE ON THE 30/09/13 The payment ref is:- SN 030364908