The Billy Goat Landscaping

Miami's premier lawn care & maintenance service. From lawn maintenance to artificial turf, we manage Commercial or Residential landscaping, to meet your needs.
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Updated: 08 Mar 2021
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Autumn Lawn Care in Miami The Billy Goat Lawn C  2021.03.8
It is known to everyone that to have a well-maintained lawn during autumn is to start taking care of it during spring and summer. Basically, this means that to make your lawn look nice even after these seasons, it is better to start give an ample amount of time maintaining it right now. Dont fret, as The Billy Goat Lawn Care has lawn services as to keep your lawns well-maintained throughout the year. While you are thinking about whether to hire a landscaper Miami or just do-it-yourself, you might want to check out these few easy suggestions to start your autumn lawn care in Miami. To begin with, watering landscaping is an important tool to keep your lawn moist. Also, you might want to include tools such as rain gauge to keep track of how much water your lawn may be getting. Second, cut back on mowing grass as temperature begins to drop. You might want to consider cutting not more than 1/3 of the leaf blade as a rule of thumb. Third, raking leaves and natural fall debris, do not make the common mistake most lawn owners do leaving dead foliage and plant debris. As a result, dried leaves that are left atop the soil blocks the sun from reaching the live landscaping therefore, preventing photosynthesis, thats why The Billy Goat Lawn Care suggests to regularly blow, rake and mow dead leaves starting this season until autumn. Read more Miami autumn lawn care solutions here or let Billy Goat take care of your lawn while you do other important things.