Styrin Motors

Leeds-based Renault dealership provides an overview of their sales and services facilities. Find a current stock-list.
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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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1 Comments Add a new comment

David Johnson 1 2011.06.15
Absolutely disgraceful customer service. After agreeing on a price + part exhange at 8:37AM (Previous viewing of car on the day before and discussing finance options) I received a call at 11:15AM on the same day telling me that a MORE desirable part exchange car from another customer had been accepted and that the car was thus sold - Upon the instruction of the MANAGER whom I had never met. I even offered to put down a deposit the day before and was told it wasn't necessary. Family business that operates very shadily. Im afraid i don't see the 'Value' in the Styrin name. Be Very Aware. Their word is not there Bond.