Dancewear at Stretchwear - Leotards - Catsuits - Dance Tights/Leggings - Seperates

Stretchwear sells high quality lycra/spandex leotards, catsuits, leggings, dance tights and seperates. Low prices and worldwide delivery
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Updated: 06 Feb 2011
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1 Comments Add a new comment

Francien Nederhorst 5 2012.06.9
BEWARE. I made an order 6 weeks ago (with 12 other mums) for an outfit on the website of STRETCHWEAR. I have sent them 4 emails, left a voicemail message and heard nothing from them on when Im going to receive the order. I think or Im quite sure I have been ripped off. NONE OF US - All 12 mums have heard nothing from them and next week we have the show. Im very worried that Im not going to recieve the order or that Im going to get my money back through paypal. Please be warned - STRETCHWEAR IS NOT BE BE TRUSTED Francien Nederhorst fnederhorstadhotmaildotcom