SoWhere2: South Africa's Premiere Transfer and Tour Service

SoWhere2 is a South African company aimed at the provision of world class transport services to private and corporate clients. It has already established global presence and reach, serving clients from over 70 countries. SoWhere2 is unique in its transfer offerings available through an advance booking system through the Web, with unique destination pricing for over 3500 destinations, enabled by secure online payment gateways, and offering GPS navigation and baby safety. The company is committed to dependability, reliability and efficiency in providing the following core services: * Airport transfers * Corporate Transfers * Events Transportation * Tours and Excursions We pledge to: Provide an efficient and reliable tour and transfer service to discerning private and corporate clients. Utilise the latest technological innovations, motivated and skilled staff, late model luxury cars and excellent management systems to deliver a safe, secure, discreet and comfortable service. Additionally we will remain a company with a conscience, having regard at all times for our people and our environment.
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Updated: 01 Jul 2009
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