Cheap Prom Dresses, Ladies Evening Dresses, Ball Gown Dresses, @#$tail Party Dress, Bride and Bridesmaid Dresses - Sonique Clothing

Sonique Clothing providing a great range of cheap prom dresses, ladies evening dresses, ball gown dresses, @#$tail party dress and bride and bridesmaid dresses
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Updated: 28 Mar 2011
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Lorna Bushell 1 2012.02.16
[1] Lorna Bushell Birmingham 1.3 out of 5Posted : 3 days ago February 2012 - I went to purchase a prom dress for my daughter after already having had issues with another dress we were delighted on our first visist to Sonique to find another. There were a couple of beads missing and they agreed to replace them and asked us to return in 45 minutes. We did and they had glued the beads on instead of sewing them.. I pointed this out and was told it would be fine... It wasn't and we returned the next day and complained pointing out the problems,another dress was found (it had been ordered and a deposit paid by someone else but they had not collected it). I took it home for my daughter to try on it was too small. I returned it to the shop two days later this time requesting a full refund.. they refused!! The lady the produced the dress which had been glued, she had since had it cleaned and tried to get me to take that one, my daughter tried it on and there were still marks from the glue on the dress which they suggested they could cover with a bead!! At this point I'd really had enough and a debate commenced, I advised I would go to trading standards etc and eventually they agreed to try and get a new dress made. advising it would be ready in April 2012, two weeks later the dress was available...suspicious I went into the shop with my daghter and a dressmaker, spoke to the gentlemen and he produced the dress which was ready stating he was surprised I wasn't pleased that they had managed to source one from somewhere else so we had it sooner. I advised my daughter was to try it on before we would take it away, my daughter did try it on and mostly it was ok, there was a bead missing and also we were unhappy with the zip and hook/eye fastening at the bottom of the corset. We expressed our concerns only to be told we were just picking flies now! and that it was a perfect fit!! and all the dresses were like that and various other excuses, the woman was particularly rude to the dressmaker who tried to discuss these points with her and walked off whilst being spoken too! One of the staff members agreed with her but advised she wouldn't say anything for fear or reprisal as she was not to agree with the customers over such things!! She did advise we could speak to the gentleman(the owner)so we did but again he just ignored what was said and proceeded to bag the dress up. We took the dress as my daughter had her heart set on it and it was a lovely dress, we decided the the small issues with this dress could be rectified by our dressmaker. In the meantime a conversation was overheard in the shop where one assistant advised another that a young girl couldn't decie between 2 dresses, her colleagues response was - "Can't you force her to pick one" Overall I am not happy about it but ultimately I have done it for my daughter, but I would NEVER step foot in this shop again let alone give any of my hard earnt money.. and would highly reccomend peopl