Simply Protect

Offering all types of insurance to protect your home your family and yourself.
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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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3 Comments Add a new comment

Alan  2011.10.31
Lives in Manchester, apartment complex the Danube
Marcus  2011.03.16
I am looking for the cowboy Mark Nicholson with a reward if you can let me know where he is
Peggy Bagcock  2009.08.17
Warning do not deal with Simply protect ( - they wont handle your confidential infomation correctly, mis-sell you insurance products at a higher premium because they get a higher comission paid to them from different companies, and they will exchange your contact details/address/DOB with other companies for cold calling purposes. The staff have no moral values and dont think twice about 'the customer' but more lining thier own pockets. You have been warned - beware simply protect and beware the cowboy Mark Nicholson!