Sayu Pay Per Click Management, Internet Advertising and SEO Marketing Services

Internet advertising and SEO marketing with a team of qualified Google Adwords and SEO marketing Professionals, backed up by sophisticated software tools Sayu can take away the headaches of setting up and managing your Google advertising expenditure. We'
Tags: ppc, adwords, ad, words
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Updated: 06 May 2011
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1 Comments Add a new comment

dc gentry 1 2013.03.26
After 3 months of work by Sayu Ltd I've had to get rid of them. Absolutely terrible performance from them and they seem to place the blame on anything but themselves? I was lied to by the sales rep and account manager and left with lower rankings after months of Sayu SEO work? On top of that I had to chase for the promised reports and got ignored when I asked why rankings were falling. I would not recommend to anyone as there SEO method of buying back links from Indian blogs just doesn't seem to work?