Night Freight Plc

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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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4 Comments Add a new comment

Matthew Morris  2013.10.4
Parcel not turned up despite paying extra for next day delivery guaranteed, No way of tracking on line, telephone number just rings out so I have no idea where my parcel is or when it will arrive. What a totally shockingly bad set up. I do not recommend that anyone else uses there services at all ever !
rob h  2013.09.21
how the f... do u track a parcel cant find it s..
angry dad  2010.07.5
ordered a pool table for my son's birthday,which nightfreight LOST! how the hell can you lose a 6ft package that weighs 75kg!!!!!.an untter disgrace!
John Ryan  2009.10.15
Nightfreight!!! This must be the worst transport company I have ever dealt with (Southampton depot). I used this company for six weeks, within this six weeks two consignments were lost, 5 were late. The whole time we never had an actual account/rate set up so they just made their owns prices up. I am still battling to recover the cost of one consignment which was lost nearly two months ago, they have admitted that they suspect fowl play at one of their depots but are reluctant to reimburse us for the cost of our material. Basically, if you want to throw money down the drain, use Nightfreight for your deliveries.