UK Ecommerce Solutions | Ecommerce software | Ecommerce Websites - NicheSuite

NicheSuite e-commerce solution is scalable, flexible and affordable. It is easily accessible and integrates with multiple online channels. Our services throughout UK, USA, Singapore and India
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Updated: 29 Aug 2011
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2 Comments Add a new comment

Diego 2 2012.03.5
Selling stuff on the internet is very covtetipime, perhaps even more so than if you had brick and mortar store. Why? Because if you don't have what the customer wants or you price your products too high, they simply type in another url in their browser and whoosh, they're away from your website and off to someone elses. With a physical store, the customer might have to compromise on brand, quality, color or even price because going to another store would mean actual time and expense on their part.
ecommerce 5 2011.10.31
thanks it is good site