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Double filter is disgusting will not be buying Nescafe again
you change coffee to double filter stinking now .I have drank nescafe coffee all my adult life now you give us this rubbish instead .BRING BACK NORMAL NESCAFE
So so disappointed about you changing unsweetend cappachino original coffe sacets, the new one is horrible like drinking. Dishwater,you have lost a good customer, I buy 3 boxes a week for years, also it send about 100 boxes per year to USA to all my family if not more you should sack who ever changed this they must have no test buds, why fix what's not broken ? Like to speak to person in charge.
we have been drinking nescafe cappuccino for many years but since they
have brought out the new packet it is not up to the same standard it is now mainly milk powder and no coffee
Please bring back the old cappuccino coffee .My Husband and I loved them, we wont be buying any more of the NEW ones, they are pale in colour and bitter to taste .A nasty shock at the bottom of the cup :(
i can not believe you have given cappuccinos a different taste ,why why its the only drink i like,i buy 4 boxes of 10 every week and i have done for the last 5 years they are now horrid plz stop the new ones i can not buy no more untill you change back.
Firstly! I'm agreeing with all other comments onto here. Whit on earth have you went done tae Cappuccino's ? Taste is differnt. Also another thing, whit the heck happend tae the wee small shaky thingy used always get when bought Cappuccino's. ????? Not amussed! Deffo not happy!
I know what you have done to the new cappuccino sachets you have ruined them. No matter how much you stir the coffee you still end up with a bitter mess in the bottom of the cup.
Nescafe Unsweetend Cappuccino sachets....what have you done to them?! I have been drinking these for years and years and all other small changes have been fine.I thought the latest box change looked good untill i bought 8 boxes and poured my first cappuccino as usual.Milky cheep tast and then you get to the bottom where all the coffee lies,no amount of mixing while pouring or after mixes this well. Its totally undrinkable now. I used to drink 4 of these a day,3 boxes a week,you are losing a dedicated customer .
Unfortunately I aggre that the latest version of "new" cappuccino (unsweetened) is pretty horrid and does not in any way resemble the previous drink I so enjoyed. Odd smell of "vanila" when you start making it, milky cheap coffe flawour - so odd I actually wandered whether there may have been a mix-up at the factory!!!
They changed it a bit and removed the choclate topping a while ago but it was still drinkable. This lot went right back to the shop I got it from. Enjoyed it for years but perhaps should thank the manufacturer for helping me to break the "habit". Will miss it and wander why do they keep changing what works and what sells(Dear Nescafe - even if you feel that you need to put less of it in every sachet - from 16.5g down to 14.2g - why chage the recipe??? did you have complaints????)
ive been drinking nescafe unsweetened for years but the recent new taste is disgusting, it doesnt even have a taste of coffe and have no coffee smell at all, really disappointed, will be changing my coffee now, i think they forgot to put the coffee in.
Chocolate topping discontinued from cappuccino, and product altered for the worse, it seems? How could you deprive your previously satisfied customers, Nescafe? No explanation given, either? Or is it hidden somewhere on this website? Shocking 'customer service.'
Well I was going to ask for a sample to try of the new Creama coffee, but after reading all these comments about taking the chocolate topping off... I suppose that is out of the question !! They have probably cut back on that as well. :(
the 3 in 1 coffee sachets are now disgusting since they have improved the recipe, so have brought some different well known brands that i know taste like coffee
I am also very disappointed that the chocolate topping has vanished from the boxes of Cappuccino. Why do they feel the need to change things? I also preferred the old taste rather than the new one
Why no Choolate topping with the cappuccino! Thats the best bit. Tears from my Grandson as he likes the fluff and chocolate off the top of a cappuccino. A disgrace we want it BACK.
Please,please,please bring back choco topping for the cappa's they are not the same with out them. Come on Nescafé everyone wants them back!!!
Love your cappuccino mix but what have you's done with the chocolate topping??! Really disappointed that its not provided anymore! Makes a big difference to my cup of coffee!! Please get it back or at least tell us why it's not there anymore!
No Chocolate Topping in the Cappaccino anymore and yet it quite plainly shows it on the box, a case of product misrepresentation I think. I hate being scammed so I will vote with my feet and change to another brand, Nescafe certainly care little about their customers
No Chocolate Sprinkles WTF are they doing. Has anyone emailed or wrote to Nescafe????
Yes agree with everyone else about the chocolate topping for the cappaccino,been buying these cappaccinos since they were first introduced. Can't understand why Nescafe have stopped including them with the satchets.It will never be a proper cappaccino without chocolate sprinkle.Budget costs again no doubt....
Can u tell me y u r not doing the sprinkles for
The cappuccino as I am not happy that it is not
Coming with them in can u please tell me
Y u have stop Putting them in the boxes
you tight gits.....cappa's WITHOUT sprinkles....you greedy b{a}st{a}rds
Just had a box of cappucino sachets...tipped every single cuppa away...vile bitter tasting stuff YUK....what's happened?? Did i just get a bad batch or is this the 'new recipe'?? If it's the recipe i definitely will NOT be buying this ever again which is a shame as i enjoy my frothy coffee!! Come on nescafe...change it BACK please!!
Recently got "new" cappucino, very disappointed at lack of frothyness and where's the chocolate topping gone, you try buying chocolate sprinkles for topping near enough impossible only morrisons sell cadburys chocolate sprinkles which is in powder form, cappucino not the same without it, bring back choco topping!
drink a box a day. but no toppings... a *** big mistake nescafe. tight sods.
I have supplied the cappuccino to my clients in the salon for some time, they love it, but all of a sudden there's no choco topping???WHY? i'm paying the same price for it,i do hope you put these back in the boxes as it's not a cappuccino without the chocolate topping. Alternatively i'll have to source a new brand.
i too have had boxes of cappuccinos with no chocolate in,which is very dissapointing as i am addicted and drink a box a day.also bring back the old cappuccinos.
out of the last 12 boxes of cappacino`s,only 2 contained any chocolate
to top it with, WHY?
I have drank Nescafe Original for over 40 years, and noticed various changes, but always preferred it to other brands. Over the last month or so, have found it to be tasting more bitter. I've just bought 2x300 grm jars and find the coffee virtually impossible to drink. I shall sadly have to find another supplier.
Let him wear them! Total todos pasamos por esas epaats. Ya ves tu, con los pantalones abajo y me imagino que los chones al aire!! uff eso si que se ve feo!Lo que si debo admitir es que hoy deda los chicos parecen chicahs y las chicas parecen chicos. Muchas veces un nif1o pasa a la par mia y yo juro que era nif1a, me1s que todo por el pelo largo. Me imagino que Justin B is to blame for that!
I am disappointed with Cafe Menu Cappuccino as i have to add a teaspoon of coffee to it every time.There is just not enough coffee in the ingredients.
I've been drinking "Nescafe" for years, recently I found a small round metal disc in a jar of original 200gr, i complained to Nescafe,thet replyed but thats it, to-day i found another wee metal disc exactly the same in another jar, antone else have this problem???
I have to agree with Mrs.Worby I have been buying nescafe cappucino for several years now, i'm addicted or WAS,it does not taste the same, it used to be creamy and frothy right down to the bottom of the mug, now you have to be quick to sprinkle the chocolate on befor the froth disappears, very disappointed, my morning cuppa is not the same, these have always been my favorite cappucino's, but not now, bring back the old version. pleeeeease.
my wife drinks latte skinny, but the new ones seem to be either caramel or vanilla flavour,? could you tell me do they still make the original, or do we have to pick another brand as the apparent replacements are not very nice??
Hate the so-called improved Nescafe original. It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth so much so it makes me shudder. Have definitely bought my last jar of Nescafe. sorry to say it's horrible.
Don't like your mochiato, nor the skinny late. Bring back the original please.
We have been drinking you latte (not skinny) for several years and don't like your new alternatives. We will seek other brands.
I really am disappointed with the new skinny cappuchino, it is sickly sweet, what a shame to change what did'nt need to be changed!
I really am disappointed with the new skinny cappuchino, it is sickly sweet, what a shame to change what did'nt need to be changed!
I disagree with the comment on the new cappuccino packet, it is NOT improved, bring back the original drink, the new drink is bitter, will not be buying again until it is changed back.
I too have been a keen drinker of the cafe menu cappos ,but must admit the so say improved caramel flavour is not nice at all,and I will not be buying it again until the original flavour returns
i noticed recently that you have changed the taste of your nescafe capuccino i
have have tried several brands in the past but have always enjoyed yours the most however i am not kean on this new improved flavour i find it a little to bitter i no you are not going to change it back for just one customer but i just wanted to let you no as consumer feed back is important |