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Updated: 01 Sep 2009
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andrea courtney  2012.10.23
i made an application online and i am still waiting to finalize details as i was told i had been approved.
andrea courtney 4 2012.10.23
i made an application online and i am still waiting to finalize details as i was told i had been approved.
tracey  2012.04.11
plzzzzz....everyone dont be an idiot like me...stay away from them all, ive have had 180 this month in total taken from wages...and still no loan..if you robbed that from a person, you would be looking to be arrested...they are nothing but common thieves..and have there hands chopped off...
Moon Thomas 5 2011.12.15
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kazza  2011.09.30
i was about to pay £59.00 then i read all of these comments they rang me and i told them i had read the comments so not to bother and put the phone down on them you should have to pay a ad fee for a loan thanx everyone
vic81 1 2011.09.1
I am now cancelling my application! sent off the cancellation notice via recorded delivery today as i have just recieved a full copy of my credit report and i scored really high with no adverse credit and exellent payment history, and all i keep getting from ulc is harrassing calls from debt management companies (when i only pay £45 per month on 2 small debts)! are they for real??! i i have let ulc know that i am 'leaving' them and they are desperatly trying to get me to have any sort of credit including payday loans, and small loans from companies like 'provident' and their 1,0000000%apr! 3 words. I have since gone back to my credit card company, none other than Halifax and they will increase my credit card limit. Why oh why didn't i just do this in the first place, silly woman :( i only fancied a new sofa! Now lets see if i can get my money back. Strong word of warning. You find yourself passed to this company through other brokers whome you have given your details to whilst searching for credit. Ask anyone who has been unfortunate enough to have ended up believing ulc's false promises on that first phonecall, would have kept their debit cards firmly in their wallets and the phone firmly hung up! STAY WELL CLEAR.
Vicky81  2011.08.26
OMG! I am really scared now, was directed to unsecured loan company yesterday by another broker (Who i also have to pay a fee to for their 'services' (1 phonecall=£59.00)and my fee to ulc of £50 which they took from my account quicker than a greyhound with a rocket up its a**e! I had applied for a loan and ended up with loanfinder, who very quickly proccessed my app, told me i can borrow the £3,000 i wanted- (not needed) for furniture and was only informed that the repayments would be 'around' £86 p/m but could not tell me who the loan provider is or what the apr% will be?? I was then abruptly 'diverted' to ulc for the very dashing 'Luke' to inform me i will have the funds in my acc within 3-5 days. Errrm... am i the only one missing something here? don't money providers usually give you a full credit breakdown and terms before just 'transferring' money into someone's account? When did i agree to this mystery loan companies loan terms and invisible apr%!!! The only thing i agreed to verbally was that i can afford to repay £86 per month for 48 months. The sad thing is that i don't have a bad credit score and i have a really bad feeling these goons are going to take a big fat dump now all over my credit rating. I to like many of you can't afford to lose money i am a full time student with 3 kids, but no matter what someone's circumstances misleading info is just WRONG! I am going to go and have another lovely 'correspondence' with Luke{a} ulc and voice my concerns with him. Think it's going to be another case of REFUND NOW! God, i hope he is not this missleading with his *** life, lol.
xxxxxxx 1 2011.07.20
waste of time took 40.00 . still havent got loan. had to stop my bank card get a new one... they rip you off stay away idoits they are..... stay away.....
david carrick  2011.07.19
gemma this is dcarrick58 did u sort out that loan for me plz ring me thank you
rick  2011.07.13
iv paid 5999 today for a loan if i dont get it i will pose as a job hunter to find ther head office and then i will beat the *** out the man behind them and i will do this for everyone thats been ripped off on here!!
john  2011.07.6
they take your fee and lie so cancel your card straight away!
steve  2011.07.6
They are scammers and any good post on here are false they will rip you off
jm 5 2011.07.4
Took 3 weeks in the end, but i must have been to 5 different companies like them recently all who couldnt help, yet unsecuredloancompany, found the problem, got me a loan. happy days
sam jones 4 2011.06.30
I tried to get a loan through this company. Paid the administration fee etc. 2 days later i got declined for the application :( I had a ccj on my credit file which i never even knew was there! which caused the problem. I rang up their customer services and asked what they thought, they were honest and said there's a high possibility they could get the loan but it would probably take a week longer. No good for me as the car I was after was about to go :( Had no idea they even had a refunds policy, so when they let me know i could get the full £60 back i was ecstatic. didn't get a loan in the end, but at least i know i had a ***g ccj on my credit file! got my £60 back now so ill probably go back to them a few months down the line to see what they think!
Zebadiahzeus 5 2011.06.30
ULC are different from the bunch of them, no worries, loan within 2 weeks.
sophie 4 2011.06.30
wanted £14k to consolidate 2 credit cards and 3 loans. tried to get a unsecuredloan with this company, but on the 1st call they made it clear it would be a chalenge and askd if i wanted to continue. got a loan offer 3 days later for 11k. they asked if this was ok for me and if not if not they will continue for the 14k. 1 week later got a message online saying they had got the full 14 for me. very happy!
Charlie Myers 5 2011.06.30
No complaints here. Was a little skeptical about the initial administration fee and it all seemed a bit too good to be true, with my crap credit. Took about 7 days (5 working) for the process to be complete for my £4000. Didn't get the lowest APR around (7.9% etc) but it was better than what my bank was offering!
davedavison 5 2011.06.30
I have gone through unsecuredloancompany recently, after i had i paid read these reviews, which nearly made me cancel the application, luckly the customer services agent did talk me round. I had been declined before through brokers, so didnt hold out much hope, they did decline the applicationat first, they then looked into my credit file for me free of charge, found out why i was declined, and from start to finish i have a loan paid out in my account within 3 weeks. I can only presume people expect miracles when they have not paid for their credit in the past.Maybe before trying applying for 15K loan for a nice new car, you should have a look at your credit file first. good company, no complaint here
caroline 1 2011.06.30
i have had it done to me now aswell and i think it is sick they are just here to take money off people and it is wrong they shouldnt get away with this im getting a solicitor ...
linzi  2011.06.28
Ive had the same experiencer. They take your 49.99, say you have been approved for loan and be with you 3 to 5 working days but not true because then you get hassle from all sorts of loan companies. Worst of it is that they have the cheek to direct you to this website. Its like they are laughing at us. Im terminally ill and this is just the pits.
joelynda  2011.06.14
im scared now im now use tom this until something worse happen pls pay back my money i will not going to loan any more pls pay back my money now i very badly need it
joelynda  2011.06.14
pls dont do this to other feel it if this hapeen to you remeber you should be liable for all youve done and you will pay for it in all cause even your love ones or any preciuos to you pity they are dont feed your self and your children i unrighteous way use youre strenght deserving to gain pls pay back my money if you cant do something good in it we disperstely needs a help thas why we apply not expecting this pls many thanks and i keep praying god will lighen up you mind thanks
joelynda  2011.06.11
im worried with my application now they took my payment already as they said 100%granted and the money is in my bank 3to 5 days but till now nothing and igived them already all my details im scared now pls help me what to do
Nathan C  2011.06.10
i applied for my loan last week and paid 59.99, i then see this page and asked them about it, there excuse was none of your details was correct, but mine were fine and wait for my lender to call. which they did, a company called FIRST MONEY DIRECT. they told me they was my lender fron unsecured loans ant that iv been acceptedbut have too pay an aditional fee of 49.99, and like a *** i did. i contacted unsecured loans again to comfirm that first money direct were lagit and they told me that they hav nothin to do with that company, and they also told me that i gave false info on my app and cant find a lender at this time, my advise to u lot go on google earth and type in there address. and see wot i found out.
stephen 1 2011.05.27
a reference to my comments some wks back i was f**king scammed as well along with a friend i know! i find it incredibly insulting that they direct you to this website and its nothing but complaints from hundreds of ripped of decent people like myself but by that time you have already paid your fee and you and they know you wont be getting it back so they're basically just f**king laughing at us you sc**bag tramps its a good job you dont have an office were i live in n. ireland because id personally put my cage fighting skills to good use and rip your f**kin heads off because you lot are no better than thieves and rapists who steal off the vulnerable! for other people thinking of using these ***s please think again but its probably to late by the time your directed to this website. disgusting ***s!!!1
scott 1 2011.05.25
This company is a joke it wil probz get blown up soon folks then they won.t scam any1 else as there all be dead.
Danielle 1 2011.05.23
This company is nuthin but a scam fkn ridiculous
Russ  2011.05.20
Steer well clear of this lot. You can add me to the long list of people they have conned!!! Still trying to get my money back but no joy yet. I have reported it to trading standards, financial ombudsman & action fraud & urge you to do the same, the more complaints they get the more likely they are to act. Cant believe I was so stupid but they were so convincing on the phone...SCUMBAGS!!!
nathan 3 2011.05.20
great wish i read this befor i paid out £49.80. just applyed yesterday they said 3-4 day but the weekend probzz dont count so hopefully i will get it next week if not i will let u no
louise 1 2011.05.17
kaz 1 2011.05.10
I am going to the media and watchdog regarding this vile company..This pathertic company has not only STOLEN money from myself but also my children..PLEASE PLEASE NEVER get a loan from this company as they will just rip you off too.
stephen  2011.05.6
has anyone been paid at all im very worried as my loan is currenty in process
carly  2011.05.5
DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT use this company.any of you who have had the same problem,get in touch with youre banks disputes department,they can help you reclaim youre money back at no cost.all banks have this facility,and the guy i spoke to told me they have had thousands of customers claiming from this company alone
carly  2011.05.4
firther to my comments last week,i rang them to cancel,was told to put this in writing which i correspondance from my underwriter DAVID telling me am not entitled to a refund bcause of descrepencies on my application.i rang customer services who told me the same thing but not what the descrepency was.iasked the lady am i ging to get my money back she said no.i got very annoyed told her i felt their company had ripped me off and i was going to get in touch with reply was if thats what you want to do then do it
Lin  2011.04.28
oh dear I think I have joined the many. I applied for £1000 to buy a car, and was told by this Jamie that they had a lender and that the repayments were 91.63. As soon as I payed the fee the money would be in my bank within 3-5 working days, which is up today. I have been corresponding with my personal "underwriter", I have emailed him (David) and stated this,and that I have been mislead by this Jamie, and that I wanted to cancel my application due to the fact that the deadline for my loan was today. Funny, there is no record of my correspondance to cancel and asking for my fee to be returned on the correspondance page. I decided to phone the contact no. and all I got was a message telling me to come on this page. what a laugh they are having at our expence!!!! Simerly,another loan co. Leeds Valley have done the same,payed £50 fee, when asked do I get my fee back if I decide not to take the loan, it was oh yes within 24 hours!!!!!no money.
carly  2011.04.28
oh no what have i done?read all these comments tried to cancel over the phone,was told i have to confirm in writing,ive done that sent it today by recorded delivery and written to my underwriter too dunno what will happen???
SAIMA 5 2011.04.27
tracey 1 2011.04.27
we have been told our £2000 will be in the bank next thursday after seeing this not so sure we will see
ann 1 2011.04.27
I to was stung out of 49.80 with this company and promised money within a few day's but like many other's still waiting after 3wks
Bryan  2011.04.27
Thank God I checked out this website before I agreed to a loan. I had a very long phone conversation with a young guy who tried to convince me that I should go ahead. One thing I've learnt is that an "Approval" is NOT a Guarantee. I was told I'd have to pay £59 before the App was processed, it is then that the Credit checks are done. My advise is use a well known Lender NOT a Broker, who is banking, quite literally, on loans being declined, which is how they make their money. My question still is, "How can they be allowed to "Approve" someone a loan then decline it after you've paid the fee when the credit checks are done, a bit like shutting the barn doors after the horse has bolted. STAY AWAY
j k  2011.04.16
i want my monay back you fuc...s
fuc.. man  2011.04.16
fuc. it
derek martin stanley 5 2011.04.7
i need to view my latest status
Claire  2011.04.6
I paid my fee of £49 6 weeks ago and still no loan has materialised , phoned to cancel my loan they said to write to them which I done now they advise I won't receive my money back as it is over 14 days , how do I get my money back I'm not leaving it at this iv been robbed.
ria  2011.04.5
i too paid them 49.00 1wk ago was told to go online accept the terms and conditions and that i would recieve 700.00 within 3-5 days it has now bin ova a wk and still not recieved nothing i am also going to fone and see if i can get a refund disgusting.
Annie  2011.03.31
Itoo have paid money to these people,i'm worried now that i wont get any money,i am going to phone them tomorrow & try to speak to Colin who i spoke to & he told me i had been approved a loan for £2000 over 4yrs {a} £59.52 a month & was told to read the terms & conditions & once i had read & understud them press the accept button & gave me a number to phone if i had any queries,well i have one big query where is my money,if i get no satisfaction i will phone trading standards
Jackee 1 2011.03.30
I have also just spoken to this company on the phone and paid them £59.00 and they told me that my loan has been approved and should be in my bank within 3 - 5 days. I then read sone reviews online and started to worry so phoned them back and they told me if i received nothing in the 3-5days i can apply to get a refund on my money (but we will see if I get anything back)
emma  2011.03.29
oh dear ive just paid 59.90 today for a 750 loan.....but after readin all these comments im really worried now ive been ripped off will have to sit and wait now and see what happens!!!!!
michael 1 2011.03.29
how can that sit ther and do it wen u need the mone if you have not yet paid phopne bank and stop card so that can not take the money out
steve mac  2011.03.25
good news when you contact them quote distance finacing and consumer credit act 1974 section 155 by law if they cant find you a loan they can only charge you £5 brokeage fee i got my money back. also be aware of the yes loans flm wentworth or anyone who ask for a up front fee there conning you . dont phone write to them and quote the refs i have said money back in "weeks. please let me know how you got on because i have got no time for these robbing ***s the law is with you dont give up thats what they you to do keep quoting the legal things like i told you cheque will come keep me posted if you wont help with it post ypou comment ta
ben 2 2011.03.21
i normally look into what im doing first but i rushed into this and i think i have been caught out on this i have paid my fee and then suddenly the phone cut out and now they cannot find my records i think i have just been scammed
BOB  2011.03.16
*** off
john mackness  2011.03.14
i paid £49.80p on monday 07/03/2011 and was told than my £500.00 loan would be in my account by friday 11/03/2011 or at the latest saturday 12/03/2011. i found no money in my account,i have sent text back to them asking the underwriter to contact me and let me know what is happening to my application for a unsecured loan,and when will it be in my account no replies by friday or again today,so on friday asked them to refund my money £49.80p back into my account,and they have not done that either. i am on long term sick, and so live on my benefits from the state. i gave them the money on the belief that i would be paid as promised the money into my account by 11/03/2011 and nothing there. what can i do to get this money back from the company unsecuredloans .com who promised me that the money was going into my account as they had found me the lender.
smiler  2011.03.14
omgosh i have just looked at all these comments i have just applied for a loan with this company and paid the £44.50 and was told the money would be in the bank friday i also old the lady i spoke to how i had just had fraud going on with my bank and thats why i needed the loan then i read this i really hope this does not happen i really need this loan i have 2 lil bbys to feed an look after i cant belive it.
samantha 1 2011.03.13
i too have been ripped off this company needs to be taught a lesson
kath 1 2011.03.12
I tried to get a loan and stupidly paid the fee (why I dont know I am always very careful). After a lot of annoying emails and phone calls offering me loans of £200 and £500 I asked for £2,000I decided to cancel in writing like I was told but after ignoring my request and telling me I had given adverse details they are still trying to "help me". I have my recorded delivery evidence a print off of my portal conversations with my so called underwriter and am now seeking legal advice. I am now just going to have to live with the fact I made a bad judgement and hope other stay away. Other than that I am taking a lovely trip to Stockport to their office when hopefully they will get the message and stop harrassing me.
Keith Hunter 1 2011.03.9
I tried to get a loan from this company, they said that I could have up to £15000 no problem & needed £59.80 to arrange it. Since paying the money they now keep coming up with new excuses & still havnt paid it to me, just taken my £59.80 & gone. I paid £3000 deposit on a car & have now lost it thanks to them. I STRONGLY ADVISE NO ONE TO HAVE DEALINGS WITH THIS COMPANY. THEY ARE AN INTERNET SCAM.
mike 5 2011.03.2
i recently applied for a loan,like many others on here i have paid the normal fee of 59.80 fee.they said they check my credit ratings etc and actually e mailed a few companies,i did contact one company and i am now in the process of obtaining the loan i wanted. i expect to receive the cash in my bank within the next 48 hrs,so i been informed but we,ll see.
Laurence Ainsworth 1 2011.02.23
The company is fraudulent. They have taken my money after allegedly finding me a lender but the loan has never materialised. I have made numerous phone calls to them and finally discovered someone human from whom I managed to elicit the information that they use any minor discrepancy on your application form to decline your loan. For example, if you put that your monthly income was £1500, and they discover that it is £1550, they use that as an excuse to deny the loan. The obvious trouble is that we have all ticked the box saying that we agree to their terms and conditions. It's basically a con. I have written to the Financial Ombudsman service, and will write to the Watchdog programmme. If anyone wishes to join my campaign please email me at snookermaestro{a}
paul 1 2011.02.22
cant believe it yet another case of being mugged off spoke to someone said they would ring back yeah right!! so rung them guess whst? they have gone home!! told me they were taking £50 took £59!! cancelled loan and guess what no refund!! dont no how they sleep at night
robert horne 1 2011.02.21
hi would just like to know where is my £49 fund back as u could not help me all u did was debt mangament i don't need that please give me my funds back
yvone again  2011.02.18
sorry meant to say will be looking into this further.... on my earlier comment
yvonne  2011.02.18
Seem to be having the same prob as everyone else....well its not me its my son he applied on line they phoned him and he gave them his card details... can't beleive how easy ppl give out card details over the phone... i am not going to look into this further have a few friends who maybe able to help but ma all have to stick tpgether in tring to recover costs charged for nothing....
Pat 1 2011.02.15
All I received from this company were offers of debt nmanagement , which I do not need, wish I had just gone to the bank,I hope they are taken to task for all the illegal fees they have taken from vulnerable people. There is no shame any more.
conned 1 2011.02.9
i got conned from this company too, payed my fee and recived nothing,i am soo angry,i foned to get my money back and suprise they said no so i told them they were a bunch of conning arseholes. and for people that are comenting saying its our faults because of our bad credit,yes it is our faults but when i applyed for the loan they said that they give loans to people with bad credit!!!! so people if u want a loan please do NOT apply at this company or u will be out of pocket,i feel for every1 else that has been conned its not a nice feeling...
philip hylton 5 2011.02.8
very sorry to read of all of your comments of being ripped off. They obviously rely upon the fact you are not likely to sue for the return of your money though you have numerous possible grounds.Alone you are not a threat but together in a 'class action' you would be formidable. Phil H. Ll.b (Hons.) Lond. LS.Pt.II, DH.p. C.P.C (Retired Lawyer)
rae12 1 2011.02.7
i too have been ripped off paid 40pound told my loan was confirmed yet 2 weeks later im being told i need a guarontour, waste of time robbing bast***s
jay 1 2011.02.7
poxy theives three kids and been robbed got a friend who works for the papers will expose them
kelly 1 2011.02.5
i have too been ripped off by these paid the £59.80 and promised a loan and got nothing. i want my monies back what do i do please ?
steve mac  2011.02.3
gareth i feel sorry for you and the wife they tell everyone they have been accepted when they havnt done a thing just took your payment of your card and let you down if can stop the payment do it now. otherwise go the c.a.b. and join the fight against this corroupt company i will keep you posted of my results .
gareh  2011.02.3
after reading these comments on this site (i wrote the message below) i had to call the company i hope to god that all these comments are wrong i'll keep my hopes up .....
gareth  2011.02.3
i don't now what to do now me and the misses put in for a loan was approved because we wanted a house we needed £4000 but after reading this i'm really worried got her hopes up were even going to see the house we wanted too? what shall i do?
steve mac  2011.02.1
i forgot to say when you go to the c.a.b. they will ask you for a copy of their t{a}cswhich none of us has because they never sent any in the post for to read or sign its illegal. please reply and take up the challenge to stop this corrupt company from ripping more poor people off thanks.
steve mac  2011.02.1
i to have been ripped off by the unsecured loan co. by £59 80 p what i cant understand is how a company can charge people different prices for the same *** service . i have been in touch with them , but have never had a phone call or letter from them which is illegal. im am going to take my case to the small claims court and charge them for my fees ands costs the more of you who take this action which is not expensive and the c.a.b. will help you the less chance they can rip anymore people off like ourselves.
Sue 1 2011.01.27
Well it looks like im the latest target of unsecloancompany,What a disgrace they are they should be ashamed of there selfs,one min i was approved yep u can have a grand loan pay the fee and it will be there weds or friday the lastest what a load fs b..lls..t PLEASE TAKE MY ADVICE AND DO NOT EVER GOT TO unsecloancompay now ive got to write to em to get my fee bk i ahve spent my rent money thinking i was gonna get this loan thank alot you are all a waste of space and time i will be getting in touch with watchdog about your compay is disgusting and i hope ya happy with ya selfs scumbags ..
cookie  2011.01.18
i havent yet paid a fee but they have my bank details and am not wanting to go aheasd now after reading all these coments what do i do abt them haveing my bank details?
Andy 4 2010.12.23
I am quite horrified that in this day and the can get away with such Filthy, Dirty Low Life con tricks . I am going to report my experience to the Police !! The usual , Promised a loan , result was No loan and out of pocket for £60 . I already have no money , These people prey on the MOST vulnerable. The whole thing is SICK !
kirsty 5 2010.12.9
i quite suprise abt what am reading here,i ve complete the application and ve paid the charges,and i got a msg telling to log on this site,bt all i see here is complains hope am going to get my loan cos i believe i meet up all the requirement
gary 1 2010.12.9
Please,please,please people avoid the Unsecured Loan Company like the Bubonic Plague.They are a bunch of liars,thieves and charlatons.In essence,what this company do is:lie to applicants to get the brokerage,then cravenly change the conditions.They are a new low even for this ***-backwords country.So,do not even think of going with them,they are pondlife[actually that's a insult to pondlife].
natalie 1 2010.12.7
I don't understand this how can they still be getting away with this ... the police should be taking action now .x this is government money ... im a single mum of 4 kids the government gives me money to help with cost of living and people like un-secloans are ripping us people off .. what is this world coming to NO BODY CARES ....
Nath  2010.12.6
Another one of many that have been done. This page is going to Watchdog. Any others please send to Watchdog too. Paid the £59.00 to a compny who claimed they were another comapny spoke to Tom on 08443445177. Who quoted me a rate which I accepted. I was then contacted by Everday loans from Wolverhampton by a guy called Tap who was calling on behalf of the broker company who had taken my £59.00. The rate quoted was £100.00 per month more than original quote????
Darren  2010.12.2
This company are a rip off they said i had been 100% abroved for my loan then i was diclined after paying £50 admin fee, stay away from the rip off ***
pam  2010.12.1
yes ive been had too, what robbiing ***s sorry but had to say it, took 59,60 out of my account too, told me money would b in my bank this week but nothing, the thing is they are quick enough to take the money out of your bank but you have to wait 30days to get your money back and you have to put it in writing to them, and thats if you get it back. So people out there dont bother with them or any of the other, what a rip off.
Stefan 1 2010.11.30
This company is terrible. After asking to cancel my loan application with them 4 times, they haven't.They have had my £59 and have not delivered what I was told over the phone. They are taking advantage of people who need the money. Stay away from this company.
Stefan 1 2010.11.30
This company is terrible. After asking to cancel my loan application with them 4 times, they haven't.They have had my £59 and have not delivered what I was told over the phone. They are taking advantage of people who need the money. Stay away from this company.
lisa foster edwards  2010.11.26
i too have been ripped of by this company and they have had 45 pounds for the fee reqired i havent had it back or my loan im gutted i let this happen to me please do not go with this company
What a fantastic company.. 5 2010.11.18
Last week i applied for a loan of 24,500 and paid the £59.80.. i was very uncertain of wether i would get the loan but i just checked my bank and now i have the funds! I love this company soo much!!! My Partner and i can now have IVF.. Thank u god!!! x x x x x x
jake holland 5 2010.11.18
applied for 12000 got 10000, decent enough! not to sure wat people are wingin about, good service in 6 days (maybe 1 day over but hey) very helpful customer service team when i had a querie. i think u all need to get on experion an sort your credit ratings out. im going to go and spend all my money while u lot have fun ***ing on here :)
mamud 2 2010.11.18
i just applied to them for a loan of 4500 n they told me its been approved n want me to pay £59.10 bt after readn this im nt sure if i wana go ahead with it ??????
Mo  2010.10.29
ive just been approved for £8000 only read these comments after. they already £59 from my bank i realy hope all you people are wrong. And to top it off ive got my wife in my ear telling me im stupid and ive been scammed. just have to keep my fingers crossed.
t  2010.10.29
what a ***g con! i cont belive the took £40 out ov my bank, and still tryin to tell me i have to pay £14.99 a month, haha yer right i wil be taking it further!
joy  2010.10.19
paid 59.60 and was told loan was approved 100% later to be asked for gurrantor, this was not mentioned at the application of the loan, company have not even bothered to contact me tried calling them but i am just passed around, this happened in May 10.
JOHN 1 2010.10.14
This company called me 2day and i gave them all my bank details im worried they will take more than the 59pound any1 had them take any more money ????
idiiot  2010.09.30
I'm no mug but boy do i feel like one now after been ripped by the unsecured loan company. i paid the nominal fee after been told it was 100% i'd get the loan only to be told my credit rating had hit a snag all the rest is history, dont do it guy/girls you will REGRET IT
gaynor  2010.09.30
i been had too ,they took £59.50 for my loan fees to only be told a day later that i now been turned down , this company needs to be black listed <why are the internet letting fraud advertisers carry on this scam .
Harry  2010.09.16
have none of you thought that you may have been declined as your credit rating is shite, of course that is the loan brokers fault
gemma  2010.09.14
ive just applied and now cant get threw 2 anyone wish i wud of read this first looks like theyve took my money and ripped me off aswell feel so stupid
chris 1 2010.09.3
unfortunately i too have been done like the rest of you wish i had seen the website first would never have gone ahead, also the lady that said Rob needed spelling lessons should look at herself he may be dyslexic.
emma jayne cann 1 2010.08.27
was told i had a loan and it would be in bank within 3 to 5 working days and when it didnt arrive after i had paid 66 pounds fee i was told that there was now a problem and i cannot have the loan
Idiot 1 2010.08.27
After reading all these comments and coming from South Africa, the second biggest con country in Africa, I dont think I will be borrowing from this country. They only want your deposit not to give you the loan. Think of the revenue. Yet they still have my banking details which worries me. Im still the idiot who trusts.
Robertpoll14{a}  2010.08.19
What are people supposed to do?I have been fleeced as well by Yes loans, Wentworth ansd Unsecured loans,they are all scammers,dont go near them, i shall be reporting them to WATCHDOG!
ann 5 2010.07.29
why why do you put peoples hopes up take what little money they have and just sit back and let them die with shame cos u dont really want to help how can u sleep at night some people cant help getting in a rutt and sometimes they need a helping hand why offer when u no full well u wont be given them a dime its so cruel and so wrong give all the people u have taken money from back they need it more than u including me stop this daylight robbery ............
Nigel Stevenson  2010.07.28
I have been charged £69.50 for a loan i haven't taken out or even been offered.This is through YES LOANS.I have tried to speak to the so called customer care department for the last 5 days and ech time i ring i am put on hold for up to half an hour by which time i loose the will to live and put the phone down and try again later only to go through the same procedure again.I feel i have been fleeced and have lost £69.50 that i can not afford to lose to a buch of low life crooks.
bishop 5 2010.07.21
Do you need loan and you are not able to get one, are you having financial difficulties, here is the opportunity to get a legitimate loan, email, bishoploancompany04{a} for more information
Emma 1 2010.07.16
kelly 5 2010.07.9
iv put a application in for a £500 loan and got told i have to pay £50 i want to cancelle my application what should i do ?
kristi 1 2010.07.2
see this company they are a scam nothing but a fraud!! do not go with this company at all to even get a refund that you have to write to them no over the phone mugs!!!!!!!!!
Steve 3 2010.06.17
If the comment below was correct they would have been shut down as would all of the other brokers!a few friends that I know have had loans from this type of broker!
Michael  2010.06.7
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT USE THE UNSECURED LOAN COMPANY. They are not genuine and will con you out of your money. From experience they do not arrange loans. They may well introduce you to a lender. (check google, yellow pages etc and you'll find plenty genuine brokers) I'm guessing all the people on this blog who say they have recieved their money are either employees of the company or have had secured finance arranged (eg car finance). My advice, if you're looking for a car try Welcome finance. I did and have had no problems. For unsecured loans either try a reputable broker or use a reputable broker (check google for posts like this first). Companies to avoid that I know of - unsecuredloancompany, best4loans (same company) YES loans and I believe Wentworth Finance. Basically, any company who charges an upfront fee IS NOT genuine. Avoid!
marie 1 2010.06.3
i hope they dont rip me off iv just made an app with them on tue havnt heard anthin back will be keeping an eye on them tho.
dianne  2010.06.3
i have been done by this firm and lost £59.95.MONEY I NEEDED.
david 1 2010.05.28
DONT GO ON THIS WEB PAGE i have paid £59 and got told my money would be in my account by friday and still waiting for a phone call the best thing is i have paid my my bills off think i was going to get my money and know i not got the money for my rent my lose my house thanks so much and still waiting for a phone call and know thinking of selling most of my house hold off to make the money one big THANKS
Andrew Lange  2010.05.28
My partner tried to warn me, same happened to her.I was told a lender was found and the loan was approved 100%. All I had to do was pay the £41 addministration fee and accept the loan on line which I did.Then told 3-5 working days on Saturday......Your money will be there Friday latest?????? So where is it??????
Andrew Lange 1 2010.05.28
My partner tried to warn me, same happened to her.I was told a lender was found and the loan was approved 100%. All I had to do was pay the £41 addministration fee and accept the loan on line which I did.Then told 3-5 working days on Saturday......Your money will be there Friday latest?????? So where is it??????
vix 3 2010.05.26
I have now received my loan for £2,500, maybe rob should have spent his £59 on spelling lessons lol
rob  2010.05.26
tways said primaly aproved ask them said loan garanttd mest up on card payment put wrong add shud be card hold add not mine card got blocked good job but thay still tryed get me to pay again *** them lying con
lisa  2010.05.20
plain n simple unsecured loans is a scam, refund policy my arse, 10weeks later (so they say) in the hope ul 4get about it. i to was approved for a £4000 loan had to pay £59 admin fee over phone n the money would be in my account in 3-5days, 5 days later my loan was not approved. pls people do not go here!
SHELL  2010.05.13
Ali 3 2010.05.12
Yvonne why dont you contact the company and ask them what is happening with your application
yvonne 1 2010.05.11
you had my £59 and yet you did not get me a loan
Ali 3 2010.04.21
*** update *** I have now received my refund!! have any of you? - philip what do you mean about numbers being automated and leading you back to this page? how does a phone number lead you to a web page.....
philip 1 2010.04.17
always been unsure about these things went on length with the phone call about being conned out of an admin fee and not getting the loan they tod me i was 100% approvide. YEP and there you have it haven't got the loan and there is no way of chasing my refund that they also said i'd get back, all numbers are automated and lead you back to this page been mugged would rate them on a mugging scale 10 but on a lending scale 0
Ali 3 2010.04.14
I made an application with them 2 weeks ago and they were unable to get me a loan because i dont earn enough (on benefits) and ive never had any credit. I belive they have a form on there complaints page where you can contact them directly. Im going to do that to get my refund. moaning about them isnt going to do anything!! maybe a few of you could do the same lol!!! I think the chances of getting them shut down are very slim as apparently they have been going for years. Id love to know how much all of your solicitor/lawyers are charging you!!
ryan 5 2010.04.14
If you keep getting calls it's because you're on a dialler! ring them up and they will take you off it if you don't need their services any more
CRAIG 2 2010.04.13
Im not sure whether to apply with this company now, there are so many mixed reviews. PRIVATE I, do you know who they were being investigated by? I work for stockport council and may be able to look into it if you have any details, please let me know asap!!
sally 3 2010.04.13
I too was getting calls, when i answered there was no one there, when i called them back they informed me that they work on an automatic dialler or something, im not very upto date with modern technology!!
jim k  2010.04.13
imust say i am really happy coz i fort i wasnt gna recieve my loan buti did reciecve it within 10 days. really pleased
Private I  2010.04.10
Is this company still under investigation, anyone know? If not I will investigate it myself and post the address of it and more on here. I keep getting phone calls from them and they ring me at all times, when I pick up there is no one there!! I work nights and keep getting woke up by their childish calls. I looked them up and found all of their 'happy' customers. Lets *** the basterds.
rikidootson{a}  2010.04.6
I asked for a loan ov 1000 they sed aye, need admin fee ov 36 they took 50 the wankers. Cant contact em rang emailed the lot. Im getting a lawyer involved they fuckd wo da wrong boy. Eny else wanna join the law suit plz email me and well get thers wankers. And as for the green coments u know they work for the company wrightin *** like that. Email me at rikidootson{a}
ahmed and prisah 4 2010.04.3
This lone compnays helped us in Januray we payed two credit cards off to stop many interest charges it did take more then 5 working days that they say but it was worth the waiting at the end.
tina wells 5 2010.04.3
Im off to book a holiday thanks to, i have been given a really affordable APR and the money arrived in my account this morning.
graham 5 2010.04.3
I was contacted by the last saturday, after reading some really negative stuff i was quite dubious, i needed a loan for a new car as mine was on its way out so i thought id give them a go, much to my surprise their lender contacted me on tuesday and told me they were happy to transfer the funds providing i took id etc to their offices. Wednesday morning the £3000 was in my bank, i now have shiney new car, thanks guys!!
Mel  2010.03.30
I was assured that I had been approved for a loan of 1000. I have contacted them today asking for a refund as of course I have realised I have been scammed. I was unable to get a word in edge ways as they were coming out with all kinds of rubbish, I told them what they said was all lies and that we both knew it. They have now blocked my account log in! I am a single parent with a disabled child, and unable to get a loan from elseware. This company purposely pray on people who are in real financial need. Please think again if you are tempted by contacting - at total and utter scam. When will the government act!!!
karen fellows  2010.03.30
been waitin for aloan over a week now paid the fee just givin stupid offers eg 250 to 750
a ***g fed up woman  2010.03.29
they took £70 off me and i cant get them on the phone and all i get is this ***g *** site
*** ryt off!!!!!!  2010.03.29
c u ya fucken ***s what scamming basterds? c if a got a hold off yas ya ***s ad kick the crap ot off all ov yas . you took my ***g money and all be getting it bk. 3 to 5 days my ***g *** . yous dont even aswer the fne .and now yous have my acount details. away *** yar self ya robbing bams
Garry 5 2010.03.26
Have any of u even tried complaining to the company or are you that stupid that you have to come and B**ch about them on here and think that will get you somewhere. Have you ever thought that your credit rating might be so s**t that noone wnts to even lend you money, how is that anyone elses fault but ur own? Get a grip.
dt  2010.03.25
even more people bein ripped lets all stick together and get these ***s plz
beth  2010.03.25
this companyis a toatal rip off dont get involved with them i can even rate it at o
nrh 1 2010.03.24
I feel such a fool even believing this was a genuine company. Unfortunately desperation makes you blind to the obvious dangers. THEY HAVE RIPPED MY PARTNER OFF FOR £59.80 and I would like to rip their throats out. DON'T BE TEMPTED people.
dt  2010.03.24
ripped me off to single parent wiv two kids wot the f##k do i do now £48.90p tuk out me bank no money to feed me kids ***s
lauren  2010.03.23
i applied with this company last week and after reading all this bad stuff i too thought i wouldnt have a chance but i applied for 4000 fo a new car for work as i am self employed as this was the first time i had applied and recived my funds today im so pleased with company thanks
ruby  2010.03.23
*** load of lies... the women is a *** on the line who you speak to after your so called approved for the loan... and the girl who took my money who said if i have any problems to contact her does not work there anymore???? how ***g strange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please no one use this so called loan company!!!!!
Charlene 5 2010.03.19
I got 5,000 of this company and it as made me so happy.. i was able to pay for my boob inlargement and begin my new job in lap dancing thank you very much x
sophie 5 2010.03.19
i asked 4 5000 and i got it within 4 days yyeeahh im so happy i love you guys. unsecuredloan company r the best i feel on op of the world
james  2010.03.18
robbing ***
JAMES 1 2010.03.18
***g crooks , thats all they are
john 5 2010.03.17
good service execellent service infact ,, no complaints here
leslie bennett  2010.03.15
hello I am email you to find out whats happen with my loan no one nos nothing i have paid the fee i just wont to no whats happen thank you
dillon  2010.03.13
me too- just sent another mail but dont expect anything- will report them if i dont hear by end of the week!! - stay away all!!!
mr a may  2010.03.12
after reading all the other comments it looks like i have been ripped off as well i dont think i will be getting my money back either hope someone is investigating if so i would like my 59.80 back.
TJ 1 2010.03.12
PC Nicholson  2010.03.12
This company is now under investigation
nigel  2010.03.10
PLEASE READ -looks like ive join the list of people who have been ripped off by this totally fake company. i was told id been 100% accepted for a loan and it would be in my account 3-5 days time and £49.80 was taken out of my account. no reply to my emails or calls. i told them to py me back or a call to trading standards will be made nigel
tina  2010.03.4
rip off merchants!! i need my £59.80 put back into my account.i should have known by your telephone manner,you were rude & flippant,how dare you treat people like this,i wonder if you can sleep at night.hope not.enjoy your job,what goes round,comes around.
natalie spencer  2010.03.3
i need to know whats happening with my application because i need the money quick
jon mcstea 1 2010.03.3
i dont know how you can sleep at nights you bunch of low life f***ing thieves you took £59.80 you wont talk and you wont reply to any letters i bet you would reply if i came down and put your windows out or even better get me arrested which is some thing that we cant do with you hoiw a bunch of tossers like you get away with legalised mugging is beyond comprehension i will be writing to newspapers and any other media porthole to let every one know about your crap serevice your a disgrace and i hope that yor company suffers big time through your actions. tossers
Graham Racey  2010.03.1
I have written a letter to you ,you have acknowledged it.I have waited over 31 days,all I require is the return of my £44.80,that I am legally entitled to receive back into my account
Pam 1 2010.02.12
I have made an app for 500£ , they did ask me 30£ which i have paid them already , but no one has contact me yet . Well it's a big scam bunch of thieves
Richard  2010.02.11
kerry  2010.02.9
i was told my loan would be 3-5 days i have not recieved anything took £40 but cant get hold of anyone to discuss this i want either the money by the morning or my £40 back in my account by 11 am on wednesday 10th feb 2010
louise 5 2010.02.2
scammers my loan app is they just wnt our muny!!!!!!!!!!
Raj 5 2010.01.28
I cant believe how *** take this bullshit is!!!!!!!! I advise everyone to keep back from this bullshit!!!
Josh Flan  2010.01.26
OMFG!!! Never use or they will rip your wallet apart! the customer service guy started gettin cheeky with me and al sorts! paid 44.80 for a guarenteed loan and all i got was a decline note that screws my credit rating up more. I will be going to trading standards so any one wishing to follow the procedures please contact trading standards the more the better! ERRRRRR RATING: S**T
chel 1 2010.01.25
thanks for these comments, just had a call from saying i av been approved, but after reading this, i aint gonna bother!
JS1 1 2010.01.19
I did as others have done only to discover they pass you on to a lender who ups the rates quoted and lends you only a portion of what you were told. Diabolical service there must be a law against this fake service????
dave74 1 2010.01.18
ive put in for 2000 pound and no one has contacted me yet still waiting if i dont get the money in my account i want my money back i hate ppl trying to scam and rip you off
j maguire 1 2010.01.15
i sent a fax informing them not to take any money as i had cancelled the loan application,they did not respond to the fax or e-mail and they still took the money,i been ripped off by this company.
mary peers  2010.01.6
this company is a fraud the take your money and promise a loan in 3-5 working days and it doesnt happen when you cancel the agreement within the time they still dont refund any money this company wants wiping from the network.I hope others out there are not taken in like I was .
michael mccabe 1 2010.01.5
i was told on the (31/12/09) that my claim for a £5000 loan was approved,i payed them $44.80,to get the transaction under way within 3-5 working days.and now ive been told that i have been declined this not use this brokers agency!!!!!!!!
Miss Brookes 1 2010.01.2
It seems I have joined a few people on this scam loan company, great!!!! Well I would like my money returned back to me ASAP the whole £49.80 as I have not recieved the money within 3-5 working days!!!!!!!!!! Or would you like to see me in court??????
alexander  2009.12.21
i was told 3/5 days,after the 5days i am left out to dry on the enquire line just rining,you can only get through as a new costomer before you pay,after that you can forget it,no one to speek to,every one gives up in the end,end..
alexander  2009.12.21
i was told 3/5 days,after the 5days i am left out to dry on the enquire line just rining,you can only get through as a new costomer before you pay,after that you can forget it,no one to speek to,every one gives up in the end,end..
lesley whitehead  2009.12.18
off meu told me my loan would be in my bank within 3 5 days after u took 44.80
leanne  2009.12.14
dont go with a loan company called there will rip you off there tell you your money will be in your bank in 3to5 day and there will not gave you your money back i am single mother with two young boys i am find in hard to keep my house going and feed my two boys
tracey 1 2009.12.13
hi i am a single parent,and had 39 pound taken and told the loan was approved and would b in my bank in 3 to 5 days,and i have nothing,i also had wot i thort was a loan firm calling about a loan and had another 50 pound taken wen i can hardly afford it,so i am not happy and want a refund.
kenneth 1 2009.11.30
do not go with this crap loan broker i paid 48.80 as i was told my application was 100% accepted and that there would be the funds in my bank within 3to 5 days wat a load of bollocks they rip you off i warn u stay away
Micheala 1 2009.11.28
I was old that a loan was agreed and it was 100%. I gave them my debit card number, only to find out 3 days later that they took 49.80 out of the account and told me I could not have a loan and now have added to my credit profile of lots of searched which will dappen my credit even more and I would advise anyone not to call this company, whatever situation you are in. The website is, please be warned and save your money and stop the upset of a pending loan.
kerry  2009.11.28
i would like a full refund of my £48 as i was wrongly informed if thats what you have to do is lie to steal people's money thats sick i was told my loan was approved the money would be deposited within 3-5 working days was not told you guys were trying to find me a lender well i was told i could cancell within 14 days so now i am i need my money back
janine graham 5 2009.11.26
l would like to no adout my loan l havent receved any payment and you took a payment out of my account of 44 pound so could you send me my payment or send my money back into my account
dideolu bademosi 1 2009.11.26
hi, i would like to know what the issue is with my application, why i have not recieved any call or my payment