Travel Morocco, Camel Trekking, Desert trips Morocco sahara desert trips,Camel trekking morocco,morocco desert trip,sahara tour merzouga,excursions 4x4 morocco Morocco sahara desert trips,Camel trekking morocco,morocco desert trip,sahara tour merzouga,ex

Morocco sahara desert trips,Camel trekking morocco,morocco desert trip,sahara tour merzouga,excursions 4x4 morocco Morocco sahara desert trips,Camel trekking morocco,morocco desert trip,sahara tour merzouga,excursions 4x4 morocco Morocco sahara desert tr
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Updated: 27 Apr 2013
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1 Comments Add a new comment

sabrina 5 2013.04.27
I could not believe the welcome,we were greeted back like family,I thought I saw everything last time but Hakim allways has new experiences and new things to show,new places to go.The camel trip was fantastic as usual and the 3 days with the nomad family was unforgettable.Hakim is really the best guide ever ,he speaks so many languages and is full of wonderfull stories.He met us in Marakesh and the trip through the Atlas mountains was as breathtaking as ever.I can never tire of this and will be going back soon.and of course I will use Moroccan desert trips again now i've found the best.