Models First - Adult Talent Management

Models First - recruiting male and female models for adult entertainment
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Updated: 19 May 2011
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5 Comments Add a new comment

jayden 5 2016.02.11
hiving jay from. hatfield would like to join the adult movie industry. 24yrs old. thnx. jux leave me ur address or number will call u personal. thnx
nelu 1 2015.06.7
are a good boy aged 20 years and would like to find a job in ..... Please send me a message with the details, the address can be applied for a job anywhere in area. Thanks!
cristi  2014.12.15
Ia am a men,I have 30 years and I am intersting about a career in the industry for adult movie.thank you send my pkease the details for casting
FLORIN  2014.03.31
Good evening. I am a guy aged 45 years old and I come from Romania in London and would like to find a job in the field ..... Please send me a message with the details, the address where they can either apply for a job anywhere in the field. Thank you!
antony 1 2012.11.21