Lecterns and podiums in wood, acrylic and metal

Wedgwood wood lecterns, acrylic lecterns, metal lecterns and podum mics, lights and logos
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Updated: 13 Jun 2013
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1 Comments Add a new comment

Mark 5 2013.06.13
This is a UK based supplier of lecterns to schools and businesses. It has several comparison charts so that you can easily see the difference between lecterns from difference manufacturers. For example, the wooden lectern comparison chart has different wood lecterns from 4 different manufacturers. Most of the other lectern sites at appear in search results seem to be manufacturers who are obviously just pushing their own pages. It's good to be able to compare the different models. There is also a guide to lecterns on the site. The first thing I learned from the guide was the difference between a lectern and a podium. I wasn't even sure what a podium was until I read this. Good site to go to.