Barclays Online Banking

Large UK bank's online division outlines its range of services for personal and business customers. See a demonstration or join up.
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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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6 Comments Add a new comment

irene samuel  2014.02.23
I have not been able to access my account for 5 days. all I get is [currently unavailable, whats going on.
Welcome 5 2014.01.15
Well done to think of sohmteing like that
Bert Bradley  2013.10.25
Why can,t I log unto Ibanking like wot I used to.
Jean Farguson 1 2013.09.3
What has happened to the log in page?
Derek Hughes 1 2013.08.19
Very poor website to follow.on several occasion I have not been able to access our account. What has happened to the Pins Entry Login?. Will you please contact me?3pmxt
Robert Milne 5 2011.09.19
Why, when I have a query or complaint I cannot reach someone who speaks and understands English?