Enterprise Venture Capital Trust

Provides basic information on this venture capital trust, including gearing data, profits and dividends.
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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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1 Comments Add a new comment

Oyebola 5 2012.07.19
Iliaq kak vsegda ti prnsrakeoi, yisnenoi,nahodchivoi, molodoi .no ya hochu rasskasat tebe viz:-0dnoi chelovekq skayem V. uslischal, sto Avram delal ochen horoshie odeydi.Reshil sdelat sebya kostyum. Avram skasal- horosho-pridite posle nedelyu.V. sprasil- ne budete li vsyat meri Prishol V. [posle nedelju= Avram skasal-isvinite, no u menya bila drugaya rabota.Priidite posle nedelju. I tak proshli 2 mesyaza. Nakonez kostym bil gotov-prnsrakeoi,valshebnoi.V. bil vov vashitoi. Sprosil-isvini, Avram-vsjo -horosho, no kak Bog sdelal mir na nedelju , a tebe bili nujni 2 mesjaza. Avram skasal- I etot mir tebya nravitsya?