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Updated: 14 Dec 2008
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Guilherme 4 2012.07.19
David Letterman: “How about those elections? We have a Republican House, we have a Democratic Senate, and we have a priesdent with veto power. Smooth sailing, right? No problems there.”The question is, “how about those elections”? And then what the honorable David Letterman says is right as above and the further question that emerges out of it is at whose cost?And its bold answer is at no body’s cost because Obama is naturally gifted to absorb all that to the advantage of America because he does not see any fault in the peoples – why? – Well, that is where his creativity lies for America first and for America to receive its public that the house of Republic howsoever it may gear itself with nuances on Obama will not work – “where is the need for Obama to use veto power”? – Can’t he be a friendly guy with the republicans? I think, the intellectual elite class of America requires to clear the foggy lenses of vision in seeing Obama not as an individual because he has come in as President with a task in his mind that he does not consider his own but for the world at large to work on peace, where, “America stands important not with the division where Republican House, Democratic Senate and Veto Power of President stand”?? – I think Honorable David Letterman whose intellectual analysis I like, would appreciate to know or know already that “language in politics or of its political analysis has to move and sometimes it does not stop moving even when one is having food and that is Nature of Its Un Known source that we call Eternity as the Supreme Light of Lights that neither has a beginning nor an end”?? Why I had to mention this, is because “I heard Obama today delivering his crux in the Indian parliament that was very neat and clean and since it was a speech of his language, our intellectual (India’s intellectuals) were struggling to go behind his speech from their own angle of intellectualism on nuances through the media and that is where, the sum up in me that I am relating shows each for its own as ego without realizing that the source that we call Eternity gets mauled as we travel down and bring ourselves equating to sound intellectually ignoring the Selfless Nature that actually governs”?? Even mine is a language expressing this out of the blues and I do not take those blues as mine and so it would stand automatically transcended in me the moment it leaves as language for others to absorb with perceptions on it?? – The Essence of my language certainly goes into the Supreme Ether of life and that gets converted into Power Infinite automatically for the Consciousness of life to absorb because the Nature at Source accepts me as Supra Mental Being of the Power of Supreme Light of Lights in life.Ravi.New DelhiTime: 10.10 PM