FRP Air Scrubber and FRP Gas Scrubber Fabricator

Daojie engineering is a professional FRP air scrubber products supplier of FRP spray gas scrubber, FRP acid mist gas scrubber and FRP gas scrubber.
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Updated: 27 Feb 2016
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FRP gas scrubber  2016.02.27
High Efficiency FRP Gas Scrubber Used to Wash Gas FRP gas scrubber is also called FRP air scrubber. Our FRP gas washer is multifunctional, which is manufactured to remove the impurities in the gas by reaction in solvents. It's widely used in various kinds of industries where need to wash gas. The body of the FRP gas scrubber is made by advanced automated winding process, which is integrated and one-piece. Compared with traditional gas scrubbers, FRP gas scrubber is superior corrosion resistant, anti-leakage, lightweight and cost-effective, which is a better choice for industries and factories.