Dr Case, presenting best covers and cases for ebook readers and mobile phones

Dr Case, presenting best covers and cases for ebook readers and mobile phones like Kindle ebook readers and iPhone versions.
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Updated: 06 Dec 2012
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Natasha 3 2012.12.13
Hi Peter, thanks for your comemnt!Personally, I haven’t lost faith in Fireworks itself but I did loose faith in Adobe’s desire to bring it to its full potenadtial. Maybe the next veradsion will finally move the app foradward but we’ll see.In the meanadtime, Fireworks still has no equals as it is right now for Web design work. I still use it and do not intend to stop using it any time soon. As for Photoshop, as great an app as it is, I still think it’s a teradriadble “design” and “layadout” appliadcaadtion. Completely the wrong tool for that kind of job IMO (Web or print… espeadcially print).Linda’s “Playing with Fire” was indeed one of the best FW books ever released. My approach will be far more focused on speadcific tasks and workadflows as they relate to creadatading modadern Web sites.As for WordPress, maybe you just need to find the right tools like pluadgadins and themes, espeadcially the right theme frameadwork. I will post about all that soon too because it’s now been about a year since I started doing client projects with WordPress and I would not go back. I can now conadcenadtrate on creadatading the right user expeadriadence and solvading my clients’ needs and not recodading the same stuff time and time again. It’s very libaderadatading. A strong CSS knowladedge is mandaadtory though IMO. With the right theme frameadwork, that will help you more than knowading PHP but that comes very handy as well.Check out the if you are seriadous about inteadgratading WordPress into your workadflow. WordPress with Headway have rocked my site design and develadopadment process. If you decide to puradchase it, I’d appreadciadate if you used my my affiladiadate link (either through the banadner on the right or the link in this paragraph).To conadclude, is there any speadcific topic (Fireworks, WordPress or other) you think would be benadeadfiadcial to cover?Thanks again!