Cathy Glass - best selling author and foster carer

Welcome to the official website of Cathy Glass, author of bestsellers Damaged, Hidden, Cut, The Saddest Girl in the World, Happy Kids, The Girl in the Mirror, I Miss Mummy and Mummy Told Me Not To Tell
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Updated: 20 May 2011
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11 Comments Add a new comment

Jenna 5 2013.12.25
I discovered your writing about 6 months ago. Since then, I have read many of your books. You are my new favorite author! I can't get enough. Thank you so much for sharing your stories. You're amazing!
Deb 5 2013.10.25
I have read every one of your books. You are an amazing woman and I hope you continue both fostering and writing. I look forward to a new story.
linda 5 2013.03.24
I have just finished reading A baby's cry what an excellent book! I've read many of your books and loved them all. Please keep writing your books are so interesting and I will read them all.
maureen  2012.06.11
Thanks a million for your superb books. You are one in a million.
valerie crampton  2012.06.4
i have just finished reading a baby's cry great book u r such a wonderful person and i have loved reading all youre books they are so sad but great hope u write many more thanks.
Julie 5 2012.05.28
Just finished reading A Baby's Cry, what an awesome book, I love your books you are a great foster carer and your children are a credit to you xx
Valerie Plumpton 5 2012.05.11
Have just finished reading A Baby's Cry what an amazing story it did make me cry. Thankyou love your books. Val X
wendy ingram (tudor)  2012.05.7
iv have been reading your books and they am great only 2 left to read and got to say thr bab,s cry and the night the angels came where bril cryed from beginning to the end of the book i admire u adrain and paula xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
siobhan 5 2012.05.6
was the same tears at the end loved this book
pat haynes 5 2012.05.6
just read your new book a babys cry it is an excellent book and i feel you and your children are so brave and careing hats of to you all x
sue 5 2012.05.2
I have just finished reading, A Baby,s Cry and and always was just about moved to tears at the end. I don,t know how you do it, it must be heart breaking saying goodbye.