Aunt Bessie's | A Helping Hand

At Aunt Bessie’s, we believe that everyone has the right to enjoy traditional family meals. And we all deserve a helping hand when it’s time to cook them.That’s where our Great Aunts come in. They’re full of great advice and top tips.
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Updated: 19 Apr 2011
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2 Comments Add a new comment

Mrs. Diana Wimbs 1 2015.01.16
Yes, I also believe that 'everyone has the right to enjoy traditional family meals'. So I am far from impressed by the response I've received from Aunt Bessie following my recent complaint about an Aunt Bessie Toad in the Hole meal which was totally inedible. The inner packaging was damaged (open at one end), the batter fizzed and bubbled but didn't rise and the sausages were inedible. To my great misfortune, I bought two of these products and the second one was as inedible as the first. When I rang the helpline, the person I spoke to sounded bored and insisted that the meal had been 'subject to a defrost'. I told her repeatedly that I had placed both the meals in my freezer as soon as I got home and that the inner packaging on the first one was damaged but she stuck to the script and said they would write to me. They have ... with £3 in vouchers to make up for two ruined meals. This poor excuse for an apology was accompanied by another long spiel about it not being their fault if the products had been subject to a defrost between leaving their factory and reaching my local Spar where I had the misfortune to purchase them. Not at all impressed Aunt Bessie, I think perhaps your ads should have the telescopes focused on your customer services department.
Mrs V. M. Louis 2 2013.12.31
We were extremely disappointed with your Lemon Meringue Pie, purchased in Hersham, Surrey, just before Christmas. We cooked it on Boxing Day. The pie was flavourless and the meringue topping so sparsely applied that there were several gaps of lemon filling showing. We cannot recommend it to anyone!