Alternative energy, MCS accredited installer, solar panels for the home, deep cycle batteries, leisure batteries , wind turbines, heat pumps, elecsol batteries, trojan batteries

UK MCS accredited supplier and installer of solar panels, deep cycle batteries,wind turbines, leisure batteries, battery chargers and accessories.MCS installer Warrington, Cheshire
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Updated: 23 Mar 2011
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1 Comments Add a new comment

Joy 5 2012.03.3
John,love your blog, i think you have silicone/arsenic blood. I have found your site and your miosisn to make solar affordable a delight, and look forward to wrapping up my order with your sales engineers over the next day or 2. Im getting ~2.5 kw of your laminates to play around with and offset a bit of our current use until my new home is complete in 2013. My goal is to learn a bit more about PV, and perhaps create some energy-envy in my neighborhood, while also promoting confidence that it is viable, and affordable. It is with your dedication and life's work, that you are helping me make my dream a reality. I look forward to a relationship with SUN ELECTRONICS, as my family grows with yours. Many Thanks, Pete in Va.