Alpro soya -Alprosoya products | Discover soya health benefits & recipes

Alpro® soya products can offer you a great range of health benefits. Find many healthy food recipes on our site with Alpro® soya products.
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Updated: 17 Feb 2011
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3 Comments Add a new comment

Mike Maas  2012.11.13
I buy a lot of soya milk and I`d like tomsupport Alpro but I don`t like the vanilla. I wonder if they do a non-vanilla range. However, they don`t seem to offer a Contact Us button. Maybe they`ll see this and reply. mike.maas{a} .
Mike Maas  2012.11.13
I buy a lot of soya milk and I`d like tomsupport Alpro but I don`t like the vanilla. I wonder if they do a non-vanilla range. However, they don`t seem to offer a Contact Us button. Maybe they`ll see this and reply. mike.maas{a} .
Paul Billam 4 2012.08.5
I have been using Alprosoya Vanilla milk for a while now and i find you have no control of it comeing out of the carton when you first open it. It seems the only possibility is that it is slightly over filled. Is it just me?